Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello World

I am an avid sports fan. I have been reading sports message boards / forums / peƱas since about 1999. I live in Toronto, love the city including *most* of its sports teams. The remarkable thing about the Internet, as has been said in multiple corners of the media, is that it allows the average Joe/Jane to give their input into any news story. Citizen journalism is the jargin of the day I believe. Sports is no exception.

The problem with this sports citizen journalism is that there are no media critics for it! So that is where I would like to step in. I want to watch the watchers if you will. I would like to give daily comments on the relative quality of message board content and posters from each forum. I will not single out particular people, but I will quote them when necessary. I will start out modestly. I will monitor the following message boards

1. battersbox.ca
2. RealGM Toronto Raptors Message Board
3. ESPN Toronto Raptors Message Board
4. ESPN Toronto Blue Jays Message Board

I know there are more, but I will start out with these few and then hopefully build up over time.

People watch sports, then they discuss the ups, downs and strategy associated with their favorite team. Its very fun to read and probably therapeutic on some level for the fans. The purpose of this blog is NOT to discuss sports teams. Rather, I want to have a place to give daily thoughts about the message boards themselves. In particular I want this blog to be a sort of ombudsman for the Toronto sports message forums community.